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This year my brother (Big Al from Big Al's Books, Games and More), my Mum and I decided to go on a walk around our neighbourhood on most afternoons after Big Al and I have finished our homework. I love taking photos and I am aspiring to become a good photographer, so I always bring my camera and take photos of all the flowers and beautiful things that surround us.
I loved the flowers shown above SOOOO much that I took a couple of close-ups and used one of them for my Profile Picture.
It is, however, sometimes hard to capture the beauty of all the flowers when the streets are littered with extremely YUCKy things, like cigarette butts.
Also, many gardens are left unattended and end up looking very YUCK indeed.
But the epitome of all things YUCK is graffiti.
Graffiti on Telegraph Pole
Image taken by me, Maddy.
I absolutely HATE graffiti. It is disgusting and tacky and ruins the appearance of everything surrounding it. I really hope that more is done to prevent it and that pre-existing graffiti is cleaned up.
Today I am participating in a blogging party called 'Kids Click', hosted by Simoney from the blog Kids Click Fun. This week's theme was YUCK and I believe you would all agree with me that graffiti is indeed very YUCKy.

Thank you for having me Simoney!
Well, I am off to read The General, the 10th book in my favourite series CHERUB. My next post will be all about this fantastic series - I can't wait to tell you about it!
I hope your day is sweet,
Hey Maddy! I LOVE your blog!!!
It's very sweet indeed, and I love the photos you take.
I agree that graffiti is truly YUCK. Thanks for entering your great photo in KidsClick this week!
The results should be up some time tomorrow (probably in the evening) after I hear from this weeks judges Aiden (age 7) and Jay (age 10) who were last week's winners.
Next time our theme will be "ME" so start thinking about a cool way you could take a self portrait :)
Luv from Simoney
You are right about graffiti sweetie! It is so ugly and very yucky indeed.
Great photos-your blog is so pretty!
Love you!
Very nice pictures Maddy!! The flowers are beautiful. I agree that the cigarettes and graffiti are yucky but I like how striking your graffiti picture is.
Your mum stopped by my blog and told me about your blog. I will have my daughter check it out. I think she'll like it a lot!
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